Executive Coaching & Development, Leadership Training, Strategic Planning & More | Chicago, IL | Primer Michaels
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Why aren’t they buying what you are selling

Executives are seriously challenged in creating organizational or team leadership buy-in. Some of those challenges are:

-Competing priorities – Priorities shift and change, and everything is A-plus and must be done as soon as possible.
If everything must be done as soon as possible, there is less credibility that the priority is real, and that is going to impact buy-in.

-Competing personal agendas – When there are many competing priorities, people decide that it is every man for himself or herself, and you end up with competing personal agendas. So, while in the meeting we are saying what our goal may be, but people are really invested in their own personal goals. That is going to prevent or make buy-in very difficult.

-Strong bias for the short term – Individuals and organizations have a strong bias for the short term. There is a bias for the low hanging fruit and the things we can get done fast. Getting buy-in on something bigger or more strategic or something we have never done before is harder to do.

Primer Michaels has a 25-year track record of helping senior leaders get buy-in from their teams. First of all, we help put leaders back in front of their teams. We get the team talking about what matters most, and we equip leaders with a process to bring their team together and author together a driving plan that will produce results.

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